
As founder and director of Executive Speaking, Darren Fleming has spent the last 7 years transforming business leaders into highly effective speakers.

Presentation skills training sydney melbourne brisbane adelaide perth Hobart Darwin Canberra

Using his own distinct and unique speaking system he has trained thousands of business leaders right across Australia. These students have gone on to deliver tens of thousands of presentations right around the world leaving no doubt that Darren’s Executive Speaking system works.

Darren’s students include some of Australia’s most powerful CEO’s from some of Australia’s most innovative and influential organisations, to managers and staff that have all wanted the same thing – to transform their nervousness and uncertainty into confidence and control when they speak.

Darren’s process takes his students from nervous and boring to confident and interesting, from dull and lifeless to captivating and inspiring. In the process their nervousness vanishes and they take control of the stage.

Not only a successful and proven teacher, Darren is also a master of speaking, having won numerous speaking competitions over the past decade including two time national champion for ‘Impromptu Speaking’.

Darren has delivered over 500 presentations, been featured in respected and prominent media including the Sydney Morning Herald, BRW and Management Today. He knows what it’s like for his students – he’s been ‘there’ and he’s been able to help transform their speaking ability. He can do the same for you.

Executive Speaking - Client Success Stories

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