Archive for the ‘Executive Speaking Skills’ Category


They don’t help you or others.
Grudges create triangles between colleagues, families and friends. They cause us to priorities our connections (If you have a grudge against her and I like both you and her, how do I handle your grudge to her?) and this reduces our ability to influence.

As always I’d love your thoughts on this here.


Do you believe in climate change?

It’s the wrong question. Beliefs are hard to change. They are bound up in what we think about ourselves, our biases, what we think people like us should think. Changing a belief means admitting how I defined myself as yesterday is no longer correct for how I define myself today.

Whether someone believes in climate change or not is a moot point – it’s happening with or without their belief

The better question to ask is, “Do you understand climate change?”

If you ask better questions you get better answers…and more sales.

As always I’d love your thoughts on this here.



We don’t need another connection

We don’t need another connection; what we need is help.

Over the last week I have been contacted by 3 people on LinkedIn stating that they wanted to connect with me so they can add greater value to their ‘5000+ connections.’

But I’m not sure that their connections are sitting down thinking, “I need to get some more LinkedIn connections!” But they are thinking, “I need help with this problem!”

The one telling aspect as to whether someone is of value to their connections is the amount of publishing they do. It is easy to get to 5,000 connections – anyone can do that with a bit of effort. What’s more difficult is to publish 10 articles over 10 consecutive weeks. That requires thinking, being vulnerable and putting your ideas on the line. That is much harder than getting 5,000 connections.

When you provide value people see it. It may not be value they need today – but value never goes out of fashion.

As always, I’d love your thoughts on this here.



Public Speaking – Leadership Styles

Your Leadership Style – Public Speaking Tip

Many business leaders say they change their leadership style for different audiences. This includes public speaking styles. I think this is the wrong approach.

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Joe Hockey and Poor People: Why He Can’t Win! – Public Speaking Tip

Public Speaking Tip: How NOT to argue your point if you want to win!

When Joe Hockey said that poor people don’t have cars and don’t drive as far he was technically correct. But that doesn’t mean he will win the argument.

The way you structure your message to market will determine if you are successful or not. Joe leaves out the most important element and therefore will never win. This is important in any public speaking situation, and even in one-on-one communication situations.

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The Ability to Speak Right Now.

The more the world changes, the more it stays the same. It’s the same in the work place.

With ever-increasing ways to communicate – social media, online videos, snap-chats – the more powerful face-to-face communication has become.

We want to be able to look people in the eye, ask them the tough questions and see how they react. People who master this interaction will be the ones that dominate the market.

When we meet face-to-face, three things happen.

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The Problem of Perception

The Problem of Perception

It can be difficult to gauge how others perceive us.

We believe we are acting in one way and others see us acting in another. This is the basis of most workplace communication issues. It is the problem of perception.

Perception is driven from a reference point. The easiest reference point for us to use is our own.  After all, we have immediate access to the knowledge we need to justify our position, behaviours and motivations.

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Developing Self-Belief As A Speaker

self belief

Building self-belief is key to being a successful business leader.

In a previous article about message management we looked at the speaking skills of professional golfer Adam Scott.

In April 2013, Scott became the first Australian to win The Masters, one of the biggest events in golf.

Even though Scott was 32 years old, the average age of first-time major champions in golf, it was an achievement well overdue for a golfer whom much was expected from a young age.

In the wake of winning The Masters, Scott addressed his poor performance in major champions for years in part due to lack of self belief. 

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Because Trust Is A Must

Building Trust

Building trust with your audience is part of being a strong leader.

People throughout the world are pretty trusting.

When we come into this world we’re very trusting.

As we get older we lose some of that childhood trust.

Life happens. People break promises. Our expectations for things don’t work out.

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Environmental Manipulation: A Secret Of The Most Influential Influencers

Environmental Manipulation

In one example of environmental manipulation, real estate agents bake bread for open houses.

You’re in a comfortable, chic executive boardroom. You’re sitting at a polished hardwood table, enjoying the smell of fresh brewed coffee. You’ve gathered a few colleagues this morning to discuss an idea you’ve worked on for months. How do you use your environment to make sure your audience is receptive, relaxed and motivated to listen?

If you want to be an effective speaker, you’ll need to recognise that the environment matters. Whether we notice it or not, little changes to sensory perception have a big influence on your listeners’ perception of message value.

This is environmental psychology.

When you want to influence someone consider these concepts of environmental manipulation.

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