Bad sales techniques never lead to long-term success.
We’ve all dealt with a pushy salesman.
Whether buying a car or being led into a sales meeting by a friend, it seems everyone has had a poor experience at some point.
An image that comes to mind is the Ned Ryerson character from the Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day. He gets a little too pushy with Murray’s character day after day until one day Phil just wheels back and hits him right in the nose.
That image gave people everywhere a reason to cheer. We’ve all been there.
The truth is that selling is important. We’re all selling all the time. It could be selling our kids on the idea of going to bed on time or selling our partners on a new business strategy. The trick is to use good selling techniques, not bad ones.
Every bad selling technique focuses on winning. Salespeople act as if they are competing against the customer. The result is a win for the salesperson, but a loss for the customer. Bad salespeople do whatever it takes to win even if it only results in short-term gain.
The most successful salespeople take a different approach where both parties are winners. They avoid the bad techniques of the past.
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