Archive for the ‘public speaking’ Category

Let Them Speak

Everyone has an opinion they want to share. (You just have to look at the pointlessness of Twitter to see this). It helps us feel heard and connected to our community and tribe. Abraham Maslow described this as one of our basic human needs.
As a leader it’s your job to let them share their opinion.
Your challenge is to ensure that they don’t take too long, do it in the right place and understand that they don’t have the final say. This will drive connection and this will in turn drive your ability to influence.
Are you up for that challenge?
As always I’d love your thoughts on this here.


Of Course You’re Nervous

The number one fear people have when speaking, selling their services or asking someone out on a date is that they are nervous. For some it can be debilitating and others just mildly distracting.

Of course you’re nervous – you’re human.

Nervousness is an adrenaline rush and serves to prepare us to perform. Without the correct amount of nervousness you’re going to fail. The secret is to harness your nervousness so you can perform without it distracting you.

Like most things in life – It’s a balance



The Pitch: Cut Consider Choose

The tender cycle has three stages, each with their own objective. Unfortunately most that make it to stage 3 answer the final question the wrong way and miss out.

Stage 1 – Request for tender.
This is about the cut. Cut out those who are not qualified to complete the project. This reduces work.

Stage 2 – Tender Docs
The client is looking for suppliers that they can consider for the project and excluding those that are not good enough. As such, suppliers put forward all the reasons they should not be excluded.

Stage 3 – The Pitch.
The pitch is about a reason to choose – why should they choose you over someone else? Unfortunately most suppliers simply re-present their tender docs which are reasons to not be excluded – not reasons to be chosen.

This is not what the decision makers are looking for.



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Information Is Not Power

It is said that information is power. But that’s not the case.

It is only the application or sharing of information that gives power. When you apply information it shows your level of knowledge/expertise. Sharing information shows you are an insider – a very powerful position.

From a power perspective, the fatal mistake is to share information when it can’t be applied – this is simply giving away your power to show you are an insider. But giving it away makes everyone else an insider to – or you an outsider.

But the paradox is that unless you share information, others don’t know you have power. If they don’t know you have some power, do you really have it?

True power is about knowing that you have information that gives you power yet refraining from sharing it.

That’s why people let secrets slip, leak information and like to gossip. It’s how they show they have information and therefore power.

The irony is that when they share the information they lose any power that it had given them.

Become comfortable holding information that gives you an edge on others without giving into the need to share it. This will be true power.

Would love your thoughts on this.

Public Speaking – Leadership Styles

Your Leadership Style – Public Speaking Tip

Many business leaders say they change their leadership style for different audiences. This includes public speaking styles. I think this is the wrong approach.

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Public Speaking Courses – Death By PowerPoint

This article will help you stand out when you next have to participate in public speaking while using PowerPoint slides.

Public Speaking Courses - Death by PowerPoint

Public Speaking Courses – Avoiding Death-by-PowerPoint

One of the scourges of modern meetings, conference and corporate get-togethers is PowerPoint. While we all hate sitting through PowerPoint presentations, for some reason the program has not died out. The program is a success despite its lack of popularity!

There are three reasons for this:

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Poor Comms Skills – Public Speaking

There are three areas of business where poor communication wastes resources. These are:

  1. Rework – Wasted effort.
  2. Silence – Wasted ideas.
  3. Speed – Wasted time.

Rework is caused by miscommunication – particularly in public speaking. It’s when I don’t explain myself clearly, or you misinterpret what I say. Rework corrects the mistake and wastes effort.

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Tell Show Ask | Public Speaking Tips

Tell Show Ask

Communication is a major problem in organisations. People don’t deliver the right message in the right way at the right time. if you get this wrong, it makes public speaking more difficult.

My friend Matt Church speaks of the three primary channels through which you can share a

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An Unusual Request – Public Speaking tip

Arrows 2

There are times in public speaking when you know making a request will only result in a refusal. It almost doesn’t matter what you want, it seems the answer is pre-programmed to come out as ’No’. It’s a killer for sales presentations, managers and anyone needing to influence at work.

But there is a way around this. You can bypass the automated answer and get the answer you need. You just need to think a few steps ahead. 

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Three Causes of Boring Public Speaking

Company Culture

The three causes of boring presentations

There are three main reasons why people give boring presentations or any form of public speaking. They are:

  1. No Systems – They have no systematised process for creating presentations to use when public speaking
  2. No processes – They lack a structured sequence for remembering their message

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