What are You Saying?
There are 3 meanings that can be attributed to any message. The meanings change depending on our thoughts.
The fist meaning is the meaning that you attribute to the message. eg ‘Can you come here when you get a chance’ to you means ‘Can you come here now’
The second meaning is the meaning that the other person hears. eg. ‘Can you come here when you get a chance’ to them means, ‘No hurry, but I want to show you something if you want to see it’
The final meaning is the literal interpretation. ‘Can you come here when you get a chance’ means ‘You decide if you want to come and when you want to come.’
Next time someone misunderstands your message, or does not do what you want them to do, consider if they got the message as you intended them too.
Posted in Business Presentations, Executive Speaking Skills, nervousness, public speaking, public speaking tips, Sales Presentations, World Classs Business Presentations
Tagged annoying speaking habits, competition speaking, Darren Fleming, presenting at work, public speaking, stop unclear messages
Written by darrenf