Persuade one-by-one
Persuade One-by-One,
When you are send your next group e-mail write it as though you are sending an individual e-mail. This will make it more personal to the reader and you will get a better response. When the recipient reads the e-mail it will sound as though you are writing directly to them – not to a group that they just happen to be part of.
Why does this work?
Compare their point of view to yours. When you write it you are in a one-to-many relationship. However, when they read it, they are in a one-to-one relationship. While they can see that you have sent the e-mail to many, they are reading it on their own and will respond as such. Make you language specific to an individual. Instead of asking, ‘Can someone assist with the training’ try, ‘Can you assist with the training.’ This puts the onus directly on the recipient to respond.
As always your thoughs below…
Darren Fleming –
Posted in Executive Speaking Skills, Language of Leadership, public speaking, public speaking tips, Toastmasters, Understanding your audience, World Classs Business Presentations
Written by darrenf