Public Speaking Courses Brisbane
Public Speaking Courses in Brisbane – Perfect for Business
The Right Now Public Speaking Courses give you the public speaking skills to deliver a high-impact 10 minute presentation with minimal preparation time (in less than an hour). Using tried and tested tools that work, you will have a plan that will allow you to create unique presentations for any speaking situation. If you are in sales the Executive Speaking Model will work. If you are in management, the Executive Speaking Model works and if you are in Senior Leadership, the Executive Speaking Model will give you the skills to develop individual presentations at a moments notice.
Content of the Right Now Public Speaking Course includes:
- How to apply the Executive Speaking Model to create presentations that are easy to create and deliver
- Structures that you can re-use time and again to deliver engaging presentations
- Beating the nerves – The Executive Speaking Model removes butterflies
- Capturing the audience with stories – how to uncover stories that your audience will love
- How to spot everyday events and turn them into sales stories so people buy
- Openings that will hook your audience from the first word
- Use stage mechanics to your advantage
- What to do with your hands – look natural and effortless onstage
- No more “Ums, errs and ahs”
- Preparing perfect presentations in just 1 hour – follow the formula and you can’t go wrong!
- Deliveries that will leave a lasting impression
- Develop and deliver a 10 minute presentation
- Handle the Q&A session like an expert
- Get great feedback from your audience
- How to make use of feedback from your presentation
Have the Right Now Public Speaking Courses conducted on-site in Brisbane or anywhere in the Sunshine state.
Contact Executive Speaking now to improve your public speaking today.