How Your Customer Feels
The role of any person in sales is to meet the buyer, understand their problems and guide them to the sale.
The role of the buyer is to evaluate the sales person, their product/service and the value it brings them.
When the buyer meets the sales person they feel guarded about them, “Will you rip me off?” They see everything as a commodity “They are all the same” and measure you against the competition based on the common currency – dollars.
When the sales person seeks to understand the buyer, the buyer feels respected, sees the offering as being relevant and can appreciate the features as to why they would buy.
It is only at this stage that the sales person has the permission to guide the sale to the next stage. This is because the customer feels they have been understood (the sales person is not just trying to sell me anything), they see that there is a fit for what is on offer and can now understand the benefits of buying.
Problems occur when sales people try to guide the sale to the next stage before going through the meet and understand stages. This is why they have to argue on price – because that is where the customer still is.
This is an edited extract from my new book “Better Positioning Deeper Conversations More Sales”. To find out more or to purchase copies of this book click here
Posted in Sales Presentations, sales skills, sales training, Sales Training Courses
Tagged Sales, sales skills, sales strategies, sales training
Written by darrenf