Go High
If you want an audience (buyer) to engage with you, you need to communicate from their world – not yours.
But many sales people will ask about the content they sell (e.g. Do you need any blue widgets?). If the buyer says yes they have a chance for a sale. If the buyer says no, they ask another content question (e.g. How about red widgets?).
These sales conversations are usually short and produce nothing.
This happens because subject matter experts love their content. They spend their time thinking about what they have and how it can benefit their customers. Their passion is clear.
The draw back is that they can see problems that the buyer is not yet aware of and go straight for it. They are selling a pill for a problem that the customer does not know they have.
If they don’t know they have a problem, they have no need to buy your pill.
This is an edited extract from my new book “Better Positioning Deeper Conversations More Sales”. To find out more or to purchase copies of this book click here
Posted in Sales Presentations, sales skills, sales training, Sales Training Courses
Tagged Sales, sales skills, sales techniques, sales training
Written by darrenf